Oil & Gas and Frac Sand Industry Resources
Our oil & gas and frac sand industry resources include links to industry news, government agencies, infographics, videos, and much more.
Our oil & gas and frac sand industry resources include links to industry news, government agencies, infographics, videos, and much more.
If you have a resource that would benefit our readers in the Oil & Gas or Frac Sand industries, please contact us at media @ blackmtn.com (without the spaces) for consideration.
You are welcome to use our infographics on your site; all we ask is a link back to the original resource page.
You are welcome to use our charts and graphs on your site; all we ask is proper accreditation or a link back to the original resource page.
DUC (Drilled Uncompleted) Well Inventory by Basin Chart July 2018
DUC (Drilled Uncompleted( Well Inventory by Basin Chart June 2018
Watch as Black Mountain Sand transforms West Texas ranch land into a state-of-the-art regional frac sand mine in just a few short months. Groundbreaking on the first of two Black Mountain Sand facilities in the Permian Basin started in June 2017, with the first commercial truckload rolling out of the Vest facility on January 22, 2018.